this has been the best week of the summer so far. fletcher is my best pal. monday we went to meet with my internship supervisor, maria, and he was very well-behaved. he didn't fuss or cry or anything while we were there. another of maria's assistants, lauren, sang to him once while maria and i were out of the room and apparently he laughed at her.
we inadvertently switched to soy formula, and although sara is skeptical i think it agrees with him much better. sara mistakenly bought the wrong can of formula and it took us a few days to figure out that since it looked, smelled, and tasted different it might actually be different. ever since the switch he's been sleeping like a champ, easily 12 hours a night and a few during the day. my biggest challenge up to this week had been getting him to take a nap when he was tired...i usually ended up frustrated with a crabby baby. but now he just goes down and quietly snoozes for at least an hour every time. even without a pacifier.
and the verdict is in: fletcher hates tom cruise. we decided to try baby day again at alamo when sara took the day off on tuesday and he was the picture of mellow. maybe it's the soy but maybe it was the absence of that short scientologist freak.
i've posted a of fletch freaking out over his toys on google videos. just search for "fletcher's dance." it may not be up for a few days.