Saturday, September 23, 2006


the boy is six-months old now. sara and i are are six years older. is it possible to feel guilty about neglecting ones and zeroes? i'm a foreigner on my own blog. there's a punk band across the street at a party, patriot games on the television, and many loved sleeping beings scattered about the house. well, "scattered" really only applies to the cats. fletcher and mother are both snuggly ensconced within their own respective beds. fletcher is wearing his UT sleeper, of which below you will find pictures. sara is wearing...umm, that's none of your business.

Fletcher's first Longhorns game, with grandaddy.

taken just this past evening: for the very latest on exactly what the little tyke looks like, tune into, up to the minute (month) info!!

hee-hee. some days the boy cannot abide being NOT held. thank jeebus, and the swedes, for this invention. although this target knock-off is actually much less bewildering than the actual baby bjorn.

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