Friday, December 01, 2006


Just a clarification: in the last entry, we mentioned that one of our sisters is having a baby. I, Sara, was writing that entry about my elder sister, Ellen. She had her baby Nov. 20.
Please to look at pictures:

No, this does not make us want another one. But she is a sweetie.

Lauren & her new little sister. Lauren will be ten in 2 weeks.
Okay, now back to the star of the show: Fletch!

Lovin' the swing.

Lovin' playing with daddy in bed.

He's just so cute!

Sweet bear.

Fletchi G!

Ready to move to Wisconsin?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

your kid looks like he could be my kid's brother. it freaks me out everytime! at least they are both SUPER CUTIES!!!!!!!!!