Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fletcher-Lou (as my friend Patty likes to call him)

Well, it's been a while. I know I say the same stuff every time I update this blog: hope you're all well, missing those far away, etc. But it's true. And we're always excited to know that you are interested in the growth and progress of our little guy.

His birthday was this month. I'll put a separate post up with pictures from his party. We are sad that we couldn't share his special day with Wes' parents & family. But they were thought of, and missed!!
Anyway, here are some random pictures for now. Stay tuned for pictures from the party!!

Little feet (probably watching Baby Einstein)

Loves his books! We read them all at least twice a day. I had to get new ones for him, and also borrowed some from the library. He makes his librarian grandfather proud!

Uh-oh, toilet paper!

Preparing for his fiesta!!

There's a paparazzi shot in every batch of pictures downloaded from the camera. I may feature a new one every time I update the blog! Look for them in the future! :)

Little man in his button-down shirt!

Okay, I can explain. He crawled under the chair and couldn't get back out, so he started screaming! I thought it was amusing, and quickly shot a picture. Then urgently rescued him from the bad chair-monster. I know, I'm a mean mom. But it was funny. It was!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there! it's Erica!! what a cute little booger he is!!!!

sorry i didn't get a chance to see you guys when i was in austin...circumstances....